List of software tools for bioinformatics analysis of OM data

Key featureToolDescriptionURLRef
Data simulationOMSimA tool for producing synthetic Bionano optical mapsOMTools[1]
BMSIMA tool for producing and mimicking real Bionano moleculesBMSIM[2]
Data correctioncOMetA tool for raw map error correction using k-mer seedscOMet[3]
ElmeriA tool for raw map error correction using spaced-mer seedsElmeri[4]
Map alignmentRefAlignerAn aligner for map alignment owned by Bionano Genomics using a dynamic programming frameworkRefAlignerNA
OMBlastAn aligner for map alignment using a modified seed-and-extend methodOMBlast[5]
OMMAAn aligner for multiple map alignment in a population-scale studyOMMA[6]
MalignerAn aligner for raw map alignment based on a dynamic programming framework for large eukaryotic genomes and an indexed method for identifying discordances in the referenceMaligner[7]
OPTIMAAn aligner for whole genome alignment using a novel seed-and-extend global alignment methodOPTIMA[8]
Genome assemblyAssemblerAn assembler for de novo map assembly owned by Bionano GenomicsAssemblerNA
Novo&StitchA tool for assembly reconciliation and scaffoldingNovo&Stitch[9]
BiSCoTA tool for scaffold contiguity improvement based on map alignmentBiSCoT[10]
Assembly evaluationBionanoAnalystA tool for reporting and visualizing potential errors in the genome assemblies based on discordances in the alignmentBionanoAnalyst[11]
misSEQuelA tool for reporting and resolving mis-assemblies using optical maps and paired-end readsmisSEQuel[12]
SV detectionOMSVA tool for SV detection based on map alignment from OMBlast and RefAligner using a complete error modelOMSV[13]
StructomeA tool for SV detection using Bionano Irys data and map alignmentStructomeNA
Data management and visualizationIrysViewA tool bundled with the Bionano Irys platform for data analysis, data management and visualization on a window systemIrysViewNA
Bionano AccessA tool package bundled with the Bionano Saphyr platform for data analysis, data management and visualization on multiple operating systemsBionano AccessNA
MapOpticsA tool for viewing comparisons of in silico maps, empirical optical maps, and hybrid scaffoldsMapOptics[14]
OMToolsA toolkit for data processing, map alignment and visualizationOMTools[15]
Pipeline wrapperrunBNGA wrapper of Bionano IrysSolve Scripts package for data processing and analysis on Linux systemsrunBNG[16]
Irys-scaffoldingA refined pipeline for genome assembly based on Bionano RefAligner and AssemblerIrys-scaffolding[17]
OMWareA refined pipeline for genome assembly based on Bionano RefAligner and AssemblerOMWare[18]