Key feature | Tool | Description | URL | Ref |
Data simulation | OMSim | A tool for producing synthetic Bionano optical maps | OMTools | [1] |
| BMSIM | A tool for producing and mimicking real Bionano molecules | BMSIM | [2] |
Data correction | cOMet | A tool for raw map error correction using k-mer seeds | cOMet | [3] |
| Elmeri | A tool for raw map error correction using spaced-mer seeds | Elmeri | [4] |
Map alignment | RefAligner | An aligner for map alignment owned by Bionano Genomics using a dynamic programming framework | RefAligner | NA |
| OMBlast | An aligner for map alignment using a modified seed-and-extend method | OMBlast | [5] |
| OMMA | An aligner for multiple map alignment in a population-scale study | OMMA | [6] |
| Maligner | An aligner for raw map alignment based on a dynamic programming framework for large eukaryotic genomes and an indexed method for identifying discordances in the reference | Maligner | [7] |
| OPTIMA | An aligner for whole genome alignment using a novel seed-and-extend global alignment method | OPTIMA | [8] |
Genome assembly | Assembler | An assembler for de novo map assembly owned by Bionano Genomics | Assembler | NA |
| Novo&Stitch | A tool for assembly reconciliation and scaffolding | Novo&Stitch | [9] |
| BiSCoT | A tool for scaffold contiguity improvement based on map alignment | BiSCoT | [10] |
Assembly evaluation | BionanoAnalyst | A tool for reporting and visualizing potential errors in the genome assemblies based on discordances in the alignment | BionanoAnalyst | [11] |
| misSEQuel | A tool for reporting and resolving mis-assemblies using optical maps and paired-end reads | misSEQuel | [12] |
SV detection | OMSV | A tool for SV detection based on map alignment from OMBlast and RefAligner using a complete error model | OMSV | [13] |
| Structome | A tool for SV detection using Bionano Irys data and map alignment | Structome | NA |
Data management and visualization | IrysView | A tool bundled with the Bionano Irys platform for data analysis, data management and visualization on a window system | IrysView | NA |
| Bionano Access | A tool package bundled with the Bionano Saphyr platform for data analysis, data management and visualization on multiple operating systems | Bionano Access | NA |
| MapOptics | A tool for viewing comparisons of in silico maps, empirical optical maps, and hybrid scaffolds | MapOptics | [14] |
| OMTools | A toolkit for data processing, map alignment and visualization | OMTools | [15] |
Pipeline wrapper | runBNG | A wrapper of Bionano IrysSolve Scripts package for data processing and analysis on Linux systems | runBNG | [16] |
| Irys-scaffolding | A refined pipeline for genome assembly based on Bionano RefAligner and Assembler | Irys-scaffolding | [17] |
| OMWare | A refined pipeline for genome assembly based on Bionano RefAligner and Assembler | OMWare | [18] |